Monday, April 5, 2010

When I get old..............

Already told my family I do not want to go to a nursing home but if they put me there..............
          I will be one of those patients who..........................
                      Lick my false teeth at the table after a meal in front of everybody else tring to eat
                      hit the call bell every 5 mins and dont want anything
                      you better make my bed as soon as i get out of it or else
                       need to go to the bathroom every 5 mins and do nothing
                       talk to u about when i was younger never ending stories
                        piss my bed so u will have to change it
                        scream for people who arent there and will never b
                         weigh 500 pounds so u cant roll me or get me up but you r expected to by your employer
                         dont talk to u so you have to guess at what i want
                          need water every 2 mins
                          cant see even if i can to feed myself so u will have to feed me
So note to my family u better not send me to that place or I will make it Hell on everybody...................


LivingDeadNurse said...

hmmm i am first going to be one of those family know where everyone goes oh shit her comes the daughter...go make sure she is changed and out of bed its almost 10 am...muahaha

Anonymous said...

omg that was funny!